Monday 27 June 2022

Things to Remember Before You Choose to Resize the Rings

You've just picked up the most beautiful and perfect engagement ring for your partner, only later to be realized it's definitely not the correct size. But hey, don't worry, it happens! All you need to do now is to get your ring resized so that your fiancée can show it off to people. However, some people perform this ring-resizing only to wear it on a different finger. Whatever the case is, one thing is for sure, resizing is a prevalent process and can be done on any type of ring. Nonetheless, as like every other rule, there are certain exceptions too.

The widely known recommendation would be to visit a jewelry repair store, where your queries will be heard!

So, when resizing the ring, you need to remember; that you can get the job done quickly if you have the perfect size in mind or something that the jeweler can work on. Therefore, you don’t need to resize it twice. The reason is that resizing the rings is a daunting task and takes time and effort. And during this process you might spend the extra money and, in some cases, you might not get the ring back on time- the latter is quite frightening! So, for the latter part, look for the stores that offer same day ring sizing. Anyway, if you have to go for the resizing, here are some things you need to remember.

Jewelry Repair Services

There are some rings with intricate craftsmanship; in those cases, it becomes impossible to rework them. Resizing simple ring designs with plain shanks or uniform designs becomes very easy.  Moreover, if you have a diamond on your ring that got some blemish during the whole resizing matter, you can also ask for the diamond replacement.

Increasing the Size of the Ring

It all depends on how much the ring needs to be sized up. If the ring needs to be slightly larger, then stretching is the best option. But everything has its limit. Here the limit is this stretching needs to be done to a maximum half size larger, depending on the design and material of the jewelry.

Thinking of Resizing? Well, Think Twice!

There are numerous possibilities that when you are opting for the resizing, the jeweler might not solder it back properly, or the resizing job has left your ring weaker than before. At that point, you need to look at the joined position of the ring to see if the soldering has been done properly so that it won't leave a depression on the surface. That is the reason you must choose the stores that offer the best Jewelry soldering services.

Jewelry Repair Services

After resizing, you need to take care of the ring. That's a fact. When a ring goes through a tough time like resizing, it must be taken care of very well. You must visit the stores where Prong Repair services are good. Here, you can get good jewelry repairing services and Jewelry Cleaning and restoration Services so that you can be careful enough for further usage.

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